Completing your Stewardship Commitment Form

Every year, our faithful prayerfully review their personal circumstances and cheerfully make a commitment of time, talent, and treasure using the stewardship commitment form.  

Personal Info, Treasure & Planned Giving

  1. Reflecting on how richly you’ve been blessed, enter your WEEKLY commitment of treasure to Christ and His Church. We are basing this method of giving on scripture - intentional and regular commitments (1 Corinthians 16:2-3) and  contributing first fruits (Deuteronomy 26:1-4).
  2. Please take the time to update your family’s contact and basic information.  This information is kept in our confidential membership database for use in correspondence and various other activities.

Time & Talent

  1. If family, enter “H” for husband and “W” for wife; if individual, simply enter a check mark “✓” . Please don’t look at this section as a “sign up sheet” for just the festival – it is where you offer back to God the time and talents you wish to commit to the Church during the coming year.
  2. Identify any special talents that might have been missed above, or a new ministry you would like to pursue in the Church

Once you have completed the form you can save it to your computer so that you can email it to our office. You can also print it from your computer and bring to our office. Note that when you are completing the form online, your information is not saved on the Parish website.

Completing your Stewardship Commitment Form is a cheerful and spiritual expression of faith. Reflect on the many gifts you’ve been blessed with and take time to completely fill out the form.